Professional impositions of PDF data

User Manual

Table of Contents

Crop Marks, Calibration bars

To add crop marks, check the option. With TYPE button the properties of crop marks are set. Black or Registration (all separations) color can be used. Also Registration Marks and frames can be added to pages or to target sheet.


Default Calibration bars are CMYK bars, the rectangles are 5 mm wide.

Any PDF can be chosen to act as a Calibration bar. It should contain one row of rectangles with desired colors. The space available for the bar at the imposed sheet is then filled by repeating the bar.

If custom PDF is chosen its dimensions are shown next to the file's name. If option "Size" is used, the dimensions are shown using correct scale.

The "Size" option sets the smaller of the bar's dimensions to the value and the bigger dimension is changed in the same scale.

The values of "Left", "Right", "Top" and "Bottom" options set up the distance from the edge of the sheet.

The values of "Middle" options set up the shift from the center of the sheet. Positive values shift the vertical bars to the right and horizontal bars to the top.

The "Between" options put the bars between pages on the sheet. The value sets up the minimum distance from neighbouring Trim Box. If the whole bar does not fit in the space only its part is shown so the minimum distance is observed.

Calibration bars start and end by the Trim Box. Vertical bars start at the top Trim Box border and end at the bottom Trim Box border. The Left - Right shifts are set up arbitrarily.

Horizontal bars behave in analogous manner.

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