Professional impositions of PDF data

User Manual

Table of Contents

Cut Stacks

Cut Stacks places the pages from original document at the new sheets so that after the sheets are cut, the original page order is kept. Especially useful for variable data printing (for instance: numbered invitation cards).

Choose with the One Sided whether the sheets will be printed double sided (duplex - default option) or one sided (simplex).

When duplex is chosen the Left-Right border is set to Duplexing.

Please have a look at the examples that will show the power of this function.


 Variable data printing
Example 1:

Print 1000 invitation cards, 4/0, 210 x 99 mm, each with a different name. The client needs to get the cards sorted in the exact order as in the database he supplies.

Solution: choose the sheet size, check Cut Stacks and One Sided (for instance when imposing to SRA3 sheet, 6 cards fit in).

If there is an unused space at a sheet, it will remain blank.

Please see the schematic representation of this operation:

 Sample (size) copies
Example 2:

Print an A5 book of 300 pages, 4/4, paperback binding.

Solution: just check Cut Stacks and print the sheets.

 Print various double sided documents
Example 3:

4 x 100 leaflets A5, 4/4.

Combine the PDF documents with Adobe Acrobat, check Cut Stacks and print the sheets.

Please see the schematic representation of this operation:


If there are various page sizes inside the document PLDA will find the maximum length and maximum width and will impose the document as if all the pages were of these maximum dimensions. Smaller pages will be placed at the centre of the bigger pages. If you add crop marks, these will be added to show the maximum dimensions. By this behaviour it is ensured that you will never cut inside a page.

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